Three Strikes and You Are OUT

Three Strikes and You Are OUT

Seeing a picture of you on a bike again

Elicited feelings of disappointment and dread

That this time you may end up dead

And feelings of betrayal because you had said

You were getting rid of your killing machine

First the Vespa bit the dust

Then the big Ducati was driven across

5 lanes of rush hour traffic

where against the center divider you came to rest

your legs though had been run over by another bike

miraculously you were left with only orthopedic trauma

fractured spine, femur, patella and a giant quadriceps hematoma

And a nasty soft tissue pocket

From a sheered off suspender button

I remember, but you obviously do not

Remember the agonizing pain

Treated with morphine the drug supreme

With such a low respiratory rate you had to be

Told to take you next breath

And then at three weeks your legs swelled like the Michelin man

My consultant Johng Hahn said place the filter as fast as you can

And one our later the deed had been done

And with massive anticoagulation you swelling went down

But three months later on removal I saw

A trapped clot that could have taken you life

For these are known to cause a sudden death

And easily snatch away your breath

And frankly Bill it was about more than you

For this impacted everyone in the family too.

And for you a form of PTSD and lingering pain

 that is not enough to keep you from mounting a cycle again.

So your third strike I hope is gentle

But if it is an injury horrific

Then I wish for you a quick demise

Sparing you a life of dependency

Howard P. Charman, MD 10-26-2015

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