Kevorkian Trump
I never ceased to be amazed
At the extent our great leader is terminally crazed
Hydroxychloroquine aside
Our brilliant leader has no qualms to decide
His gut says a good thing might be disinfectant inside
Or ultraviolet light delivered to the lungs
But had the thought his tiny brain enter
He should have consulted a suicide prevention center
But with this latest caper I have a hunch
The unstable genius is totally out to lunch
A lunch including a Trump boilermaker
A cold corona with lime followed by a Lysol chaser
Howard P. Charman, MD
Written at Home Depot while waiting for a lock to be re-keyed 4-25-2020
(Trump boiler maker courtesy Kent Benedict MD)
The whole unsettling affair brings up Shakespeare’s Macbeth’s reflections life on life Lady Macbeth’s death (MacBeth Act 5 Scene 5 Lines 16-27)
“Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow
Creeps in this petty pace from day to day
To the last syllable of recorded time
And all our yesterdays have lighted fools
The way to dusty death.
Out, out, brief candle.
Life’s but a walking shadow,
A poor player
That struts and frets his hour upon the stage,
And then is heard no more
It is a tale
Told by and idiot, full of sound and fury,
Signifying nothing.
Trump is a cult leader. He obsessively seeks a magical cure and spews forth progressively unrealistic treatments that he hopes will conquer the pandemic and make him the hero. This quest only distracts from the inescapable fact that his incompetence, lying, inaction and lack of leadership has been responsible for tens of thousands of COVID deaths. Clearly, his only concern is how this impacts his chances of reelection this fall.
Einstein said: “The true value of a human being can be found in the degree to which he has attained liberation from the self”. (Ideas and Opinions, 1934). Since Trump manifestly lacks empathy for others, it is debatable whether he should be considered human.
Background Briefing Ian Masters 4-26-2020
We begin with the toddler-in-chief pouting that the other kids in the playground were making fun of him, prompting Trump to tweet petulantly that his daily White House briefings were “Not worth the time & effort” as he blamed the media’s “hostile” questioning for his ridiculous but dangerous ramblings at Thursday’s briefing which invited scorn and alarm from around the world, making the American president the butt of numerous jokes. Robert Mackey, a Senior Writer at The Intercept who was a reporter and columnist at the The New York Times joins us to discuss his latest article at The Intercept “Quack-in-Chief Donald Trump Asks If Bleach Injections or Tanning Could Cure Covid-19“. We discuss the spectacular stupidity of Trump’s latest offering of a miracle cure following a VA study that found his and Fox News’s snake-oil malaria drug kills but does not cure. Trump actually suggested household disinfectants could be injected into the body along with UV light to kill the coronavirus. Along with the outpouring of ridicule, there has been an uptick of calls to Poison Control Centers while the makers of Lysol were forced to issue a statement, “we must be clear that under no circumstances should our disinfectant products be administered into the human body through injection or any other route”.