Biden’s Ukraine Strategy
Clearly US strategy is to cripple the Russian economy
To tank the Russian ruble
And to encourage Putin to be overthrown
Biden says:
“For God’s sake, this man cannot remain in power”
“Putin is a butcher”
Later this walked back: meant “he cannot be empowered to
Wage a war of aggression”.
But why should Putin be worried by Biden’s comments?
The US has never instituted regime change – except when it does
On a regular basis.
For example:
Iran 1953, Mossadegh
Guatemala, 1954 Arbenz
Vietnam: Diem
Chile: Allende
Dominican Republic: Bosch
Iraq: Saddam Hussein
Panama: Noriega
Libya: Quadaffi
Ukraine: Yanakovich
All told about 70 instances since WWII
Howard P. Charman, MD 4-26-2022