CIA and Afghanistan
Afghanistan and the CIA: 70$ Billion a Year: For What?
Chalmers Johnson said it for years
Their screw-ups playing on our fears
So the CIA just had to go
So often they were not in the know
Here are a few – and pretty big:
In the dark about the Bay 0f Pigs
And perhaps the biggest of all
They missed the fall of the Berlin wall.
And in Iraq those welcoming rose petals
Were replaced by IED metals.
And in Afghanistan Major Danny
Said the only territory he controlled was what he could see.
So when Biden said a month ago
Afghanistan the way of Saigon would never go
As the Taliban galloped
And brazenly walloped
Those 300,000 men we’d trained
Was a fantasy fiction stubbornly maintained.
And as the Taliban blitzed the country side
The palace doors were opened wide.
Biden’s faulty intelligence
Was riven with woeful ignorance
The Afghan army evaporated into the night
And didn’t put up a fight.
Leaving Biden looking like a fool
And the Afghanis treated most cruel
Chalmers Johnson was definitely in the know
The CIA just has got to go.
Howard P. Charman, MD 8-16-2021
See prior poem: The CIA our Quintessential Enemy Recruiting Tool. CIA plots have dragged us into wars, and they have been incompetent in recognizing major world events.