Drones I say with great apology
Are just the latest in lethal technology
With Douhet it all began
Raining death on non-combatant man
And Leslie Groves perfected it with aplomb
With the development of the atomic bomb
And the destruction of Hiroshima-Nagasaki,
Carefully photographed in living color,
But never shown—too much gore
Burns were hideous
So they documented in white and black
To avoid from American citizens flack
Mostly buildings and rubble
That would have caused untold trouble.
And the color film was classified top secret and secreted
In government vaults and only recently released.
HP Charman MD
Notes: Douhet Theory of Strategic Bombing. Churchill bombed the Germans before Germans started the Battle of Britain.
Leslie Groves: Now It Can Be Told. The Manhattan Project and the institutionalization of secrecy. Allowed post war lying about nuclear energy despite acknowledged dangers that were kept from the America people.
Post –war medical radiation experiments documented in the book The Plutonium Files
Greg Mitchell: Atomic Cover-up: Two U.S. Soldiers, Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and the Greatest Movie Never Made. Sinclair Books New York, July 2011.