Predictable Hell
We have a system based on greed
Denying peoples’ basic needs
Diverting resources to profitable wars
While international laws we flagrantly ignore.
NATO has become a US military tool
As is evident to any fool
In Yugoslavia, Libya, Syria, Afghanistan and Iraq lest
Any doubts linger
We gave the UN and international law a great big finger
Destroying whole countries and killing
In pursuit of resource and particularly oil drilling
Virginia Nuland said fuck the EU
As she the Ukrainian government overthrew
So what is Putin doing with his Ukrainian war?
Nothing we haven’t done in spades before.
We taught him the utility of propagandistic lies
WMDs and genocide equally in the face of truth epitomize.
And he has followed our example well
And now in Ukraine is creating a veritable hell
And how it ents I do not know
But tis said “Reap ye what ye sow”
And now the very UN we need for humanity’s defense
Has been reduced to useless impotence.
Howard P. Charman, MD 2-24-2022