Thoughts On Memorial Day Ceremonies
Thoughts On Memorial Day:Â Invisible Victims Indict the American Killing Machine (5-29-2015)
The president extolls the heroism of fallen youth
But does not acknowledge the simple truth
That they died not in defending our shores
But in fighting aggressive wars
Wars furthering our world-wide bases Empire
To police the empire and to conspire
To control the lives and resources and more
To strategically control the empire by force
Empire can only be maintained by the sword
And its subjects can utter nary a word
That we have ever heard of late
In determining their fates
Clearly Chalmers Johnson was right in saying
Empire can be maintained only by force
Its subjects never have a say
In determining their own life course
The empire requires armaments galore
To achieve a state of perpetual war
Our actions abroad with drones we see
Are generating implacable enemies
Neither at Arlington or Ground Zero are the people educated
As to why our country is so universally hated
After the 911 attack no one asked the question why? you see
Platitudes were uttered about them hating our liberty
But nothing about what we did to provoke these predictable responses
On the part of those aggrieved by our actions
No the unspoken truth is that we must consider the myriad victims
Which prevents understanding this horror
Branfmann says we have killed 20 million since World War II
Which maybe with something their fury has to do
But were we to acknowledge these untold dead unseen
Perhaps we could stop the American killing machine
Howard P. Charman, MD 5-29-2015