Dr. Joseph Varon- MSNBC

Dr. Joseph Varon- MSNBC

Dr. Joseph Varon: United Memorial Medical Center
Houston, Texas
MSNBC: 8-3-2020

“I’m pretty much fighting two wars: a war against COVID and a war against
stupidity. And the problem is that the first one I have some hope about winning.
But the second one is becoming more and more difficult to treat. Why do I say that? Because people are not listening. Whether it’s backed up by science or just plain common sense, people are not listening throughout the country. You know, I have been in the middle of earthquakes, in the middle of bombings, in the middle of tsunamis. I’ve been in any possible catastrophe that you can imagine and by far, this is the worst. And this is the worst because this is a continuous situation. The other ones, you know, something bad happens, and then you run. There you take care of it and that’s it. Here it continues to occur. And what is probably the most disappointing thing, the thing that annoys me the most is that we keep on doing our best to save these people, then you get another batch of people that are doing exactly the opposite of what you are telling them not to do.”

Howard P. Charman, MD

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