Hail Columbia: Reagan’s Mujahedeen Freedom Fighters

Hail Columbia: Reagan’s Mujahedeen Freedom Fighters
A wise friend of mine once said
It’s not what others do you dread
And if you end up afflicted
It’s often because of actions self-inflicted

Ronald Reagan dedicated with pride
Spaceship Columbia’s fantastic ride
To the mujahedin recently backed
In a strategy to prod the Russians in Afghanistan to attack

Through the Pakistanis and the ISI discreetly
We covertly armed Islamic fundamentalists completely
And when the Russians left in utter collapse
We celebrated and patted ourselves on the back

But when with Gulf War I we placed troops on Saudi soil
Osama’s blood began to slowly boil
And with the attack on twin towers he
Will go down in the annals of military history

For as with the disease we often see with consternation
The body’s response leads to total lethal devastation
And so with the attack on New York’s twin towers
When death rained down horrific showers

Those in charge co-opted the catastrophe with cynical coordination
To pass the patriot act and effectively shred the Constitution
And in rapid succession we see the American landscape change
And our legal system completely derange

Yes now we have a total surveillance state
Served up to the American people on a silver plate
We see the establishment of rendition
Sending the country into a form of perdition

Presidents have now assumed the power
Of the judge, jury and executioner
And with the help of the old CIA
Who meet with the president on terror Tuesday

To decide and prioritize the presidents kill list
On which the president duplicitously insists
There are only those responsible for terror
And innocent civilians are never killed in error

And the architect of this sinister plan
Is the presidents terror adviser John Brennan
The Senate confirmation hearing is a blatant travesty
And is orchestrated with a certain majesty

And it is a sad commentary that the only people to make a stink
Are the courageous outspoken ladies of the group CodePink
Who with outrageous tenacity and audacity
Expose to the world this egregious mendacity

Who dare to disrupt this show trial charade
With a discourteous tirade
Directed against a system atrocious
That abrogates completely the right of due process

For the president asserts he has the right
Invested in him by the fact of America’s might
To kill in the name of the American flag unfurled
Any person any place in the wide wide world

Sadly the America we in the past held with great pride
Is in the process of committing a grotesque suicide
As I submit in this final last word
We have fallen on our own razor-sharp sword.

Howard P. Charman, MD 2-10-2013

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